Author Archives: dfairbank
Penny lab report
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Myth and Facts about tobacco
Myth- Smoking is not a problem.
Fact- in reality smoking is a drug problem, smoking is an addictive habit with nicotine but that’s not the drug. The drug is tobacco,the nicotine and tobacco addiction have also been compared to crack cocaine,heroin. Drugs have many addictions and symptoms with these symptoms are yellow nails, rotting teeth, smelling of the clothes skiing and bad eye vision.
Myth- only adults smoke cigarettes
fact- in all actuality the average age a person starts smoking is the age of 13. the average person begins with using and absorbing smokeless/ spit/chewing tobacco through the ages of 12-25 years. Most new tobacco smokers are children or young teens not adults even during the early adult years most people quit using all tobacco entirely it may be difficult to quit but it is completely possible to do.
myth- once you are addicted to tobacco, there is no use in trying to quit using. the damage is done.
Fact- you are addicted to tobacco but you can quit it isn’t impossible. when people quit smoking/dipping the body immediately starts repairing itself within less than a second in a complete instant. Blood pressure and pulse rates go back to normal range around 20 minutes, so the body isn’t back to normal in a second but that’s when it starts repairing itself for going back to normal range in about 20 minutes.
Myth-Smoking helps my body relax
Fact- nicotine is a stimulant and it speeds your body up nor slows it down and makes you feel more relaxed, plus no other drug keeps a person as busy as smoking does.for example in one day some people smoke up to two packs a day with 2 or more intervals to step outside light up and smoke another cancer stick. in 1 week an average heavy smoker uses about 14 boxes in a week and if there’s 25 smokes in one pack that’s 335 in 1 week.
Riding in style
The French Revlolution
Adopt An Element
Look Out!
We were driving down the road when a brown dog ran out in front of us I yelled “LOOK OUT” the dog stopped right in front of us looked up at us drops something and ran in the woods.
My mom gets out of the car stay here she get out to see what the dog drop.The next thing you know she come back with a ferret it was brown and white it was so cute. We just can’t leave it here so we put it in a box and take it home.
The next day we took it to the vet the vet examine her there nothing wrong with her but a bite so they but medicine on her and wrap her up in some gauze and let us take her home well since we are going to keep her she needs a name so can we name her little dizzy that okay with me we take her home.
Early Civilzation
Don’t Frown
Don’t frown when life gets turned up side down,
Think about the putative no the obvious,
So when you get down turn that frown up side down.
Goldie Locks and the three bears